Wednesday, May 23, 2012

catching up: San Jose sunrise

Here are some pictures I grabbed during sunrise in San Jose with Sara and Sean. These were taken with a Canon 400D.

Monday, May 21, 2012

catching up: isla vista sunset

Also taken for my photography class, here are some pictures of the Isla Vista beach taken by the Nikon FG. Thanks to my friends for willing to be in photos. 

catching up: the morning after

Alright, here's the step in catching up on uploading all the photos. This is from an album called "The Morning After"I took for a photography class at UCSB. It was taken on my Nikon FG.

let's f-start

Hello, everyone.

That's the best photo pun I could come up with at the moment. This is where I'll be posting all of my photographs that I take. Most of these will be digital but if I can find a reliable film developer, I'll be sure to bust out my Nikon FG and go on some photo trips.

These first few days are going to be a lot of catching up because I have a ton of photos on my computer that I want to post up here before I start any photo projects. So, as Wilco says, please be patient with me (those aren't accurate lyrics at all).

If you want to see more from a specific album, click on the label at the bottom of the post. That should be how blogspot works, although I haven't tested it yet.